It was a very busy start to the school year in Room 20!
Students have continued their work on Growth Mindset from last year reading
The Most Magnificent Thing by Ashley Spires and sharing their learning with their Grade 1/2 buddies. We discussed how we will sometimes feel stuck and frustrated (Fixed Mindset) but can use our personal strategies or seek help from others to get back on track to a Growth Mindset. Students then worked to brainstorm goals with their "I can't ________ yet" statements and complemented them with their strategies or how they would work towards these goals. We brainstormed ideas on how to keep our brains strong and healthy and things that we can do to grow them. Such ideas included drinking lots of water, asking lots of questions, persistence, physical activity and
lots of rest.

We launched our inquiry into Space Science and were tasked by NASA to investigate other planets for humans to settle on. Our first step was to investigate what other planets are in fact in our galaxy and then we worked to persuade our co-astronauts why we thought ours was the best choice. Our Read-aloud Space Case by Stuart Gibbs has taught us that living on the moon is not always as exciting or wonderful as it sounds.

Lastly we continued to develop our photography skills from last year borrowing our schools incredible new cameras and looking to capture the world around us from Room 20s point of view. We were blessed with an absolutely gorgeous day and captured some incredible images.