It has been a very busy month in Room 20! In light of Remembrance Day students read two books by the same author and it was our first experience this year with the genre of historical fiction. Students made predictions and then after reading we compared the two books.
We also started a new read aloud,
The Girl Who Owned A City by O.T. Nelson and have been learning about the fictional plague that left a world with only children under the age of 12! We brainstormed characteristics of great leaders and talked about whether Lisa fits these criteria.

The Calgary Olympic Bid Plebiscite was a huge issue in Room 20 and we had a very lively debate. Students worked as City Councillors to convince their fellow colleagues whether or not they thought the bid should go forward. The debate was incredibly lively and successful starting with a 50-50 split with the 'No' Councillors swaying the vote 7 to 22! We have also been learning about the three levels of government in Canada, specifically the provincial and municipal ones. Students have learned about their different responsibilities as well as the ways that they are organized.
In math we have been working towards sharing and explaining our mathematical thinking. We developed a checklist of criteria and then put it to the test with a Lego Problem.